Thursday, January 16, 2014

Hello from Petra, Jordan

We are safely in Petra, Jordan for the night and had a wonderful walk through the ancient city of Petra this afternoon.  Our hotel is very nice but only has WiFi in the reception area and restaurant.  That and the fact we have to get up before 4 in the morning to get on the road to catch our flight from Amman means this is the last post I'll make before we arrive back home.  I just thought I would let you all know that we are safe and happy, but ready to come home.  Pray for safe travel and favorable weather.  I promise to finish sharing our trip with you at some point when I'm home and feeling up to it.  I'm glad so many of you have enjoyed following our adventures through my words and pictures here.  Thanks for your kind comments and as always your thoughts and prayers are greatly appreciated.


1 comment:

  1. Just wanted to let you know how much Noah & I have enjoyed reading your blog! You're a very gifted photographer & writer. It was so generous of you to take it upon yourself to share your journey with everyone back home, and in doing so, create a detailed memento for every one of the people fortunate enough to have experienced what I can only imagine has been a life-changing trip. Your blog had us laughing, holding back tears, covered in goosebumps, awestruck & feeling very jealous we weren't there!!! Thanks for sharing your awesome adventure - you really did a fabulous job! Safe travels home!
